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Jun 24, 2019

We're surrounded by over-achievers and perfectionists. The further we go in our training, the stronger the competition.

Expectations rise and the room for error minimizes. . .

It can be easy to fall for the idea that we should always be on the top of our game because of course, "I never struggle." 

But the reality is, the day to day "behind the scenes" reality is like this half finished puzzle with pieces all over the table and one in your hand as you try to figure out where in the world to put the next piece.

When life gets overwhelming, it's time to learn how to push through.


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Shoutout to today's sponsors:

Resolve - Use the code 'DOCTOROGOALS' to get 10% OFF physician contract services.

Cure Hydration - Your answer to staying hydrated for busy doctors and those in the making. Use the code 'DOCTORGOALS' to get 25% OFF your order!